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frequently asked Questions

What are the delivery times ?

Delivery times, except in cases of force majeure and outside the closing period of the online store, are as follows:

In Metropolitan France, Belgium & Luxembourg, the delay is 2 to 5 working days, depending on your carrier.

For other countries, the delay is 4 to 7 working days.

You can follow the delivery of your parcel in real time on the site of our service providers, thanks to a tracking number which will be sent to you by e-mail.

How to use a coupon code ?

Do you have a promo code?

To use it, nothing could be simpler. Simply add your code during checkout in the "Discount Code" tab that appears below your items.

How to pick up your order at our premises?

You have chosen to pick up your order at our premises.

We will notify you by e-mail as soon as it is ready so that you can collect it.

  • Delivery

    Reception of your parcels at home & at a relay point!

  • Intelligence

    For any request: contact@crindelegance-sellerie.com

  • Pay in installments

    Thanks to Paypal & Alma, pay in 2,3 or 4 instalments.

  • A wide choice of products

    More than 35 quality brands.